Major Works Data Sheet Ap Literature

If you missed class today, please select one of your Major Works Data Sheets — perhaps the one with which you feel most comfortable — and select 5 Past AP Free Response Questions to deconstruct based on that text.

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Major Works Data Sheet. Advanced Placement Literature and Composition. Title: Frankenstein: Author: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Emotion, rebellion, and compassion. Gothic literature focuses the mysterious and supernatural with dark surroundings. Provide an example that demonstrates the style: On pages 118, 119, and the last half of the. AP English: Literature and Composition Name: Major Works Data Sheet: Do not cut/paste from a website, which is a form of plagiarism. Title: Biographical information about the author: Author: Date of Publication: Genre: Historical information about the p.

I’ll choose the text Wuthering Heights and the question which most of you answered for your Wuthering Heights essay . . .

Major Works Data Sheet Ap Literature Guide

Major Works Data Sheet Ap Literature

Purble place browser game. 2006, Form B. In many works of literature, a physical journey – the literal movement from one place to another – plays a central role. Choose a novel, play, or epic poem in which a physical journey is an important element and discuss how the journey adds to the meaning of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.

Major Works Data Sheet Ap Literature Manual

  • Wuthering Heights — Young Cathy Linton’s journey from Thrushcross Grange to Wuthering Heights in the second half of the novel
    • Cathy Linton makes the journey repeatedly — sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose — illustrating the connective and recursive nature of the text.
    • Cathy Linton makes the journey secretly often — hiding information from her sickly father, Edgar Linton, and her nurse, Nelly Dean — illustrating the importance of secrets in the text.
    • The journey between the two houses is reminiscent of Catherine Linton’s mother’s original trip in the reverse direction — showing the parallels between Catherine and both of her parents.