Origami Studio

Origami Origami is a paper folding craft that's widely popular across generations. From the fortune tellers you learned as a kid to decorative paper cranes, there's plenty to try. Origami Studio 3 Design, animate, and prototype. Download Origami Studio Watch Tutorial. Introducing Canvas. A new way to visually layout your Origami prototypes with freeform drawing tools, text editing, and visual components. Easily edit dynamic layouts.

“Taro’s Origami Studio - Origami Paper” was designed and curated by Taro’s Origami Studio teachers based on countless hours of folding experience. “Taro’s Origami Studio Origami Paper” is made in Japan, and its quality has been ensured with countless creases, squashes, and crimps. A pack of Large 9.5 inch kami. Le ayudamos a construir en Guatemala con un equipo de arquitectos especializado en mejorar su calidad de vida y ambiente de trabajo, dedicado a. On Feb 21, 2020 Taro’s Origami Studio unveiled their most complex and luxurious giant origami model ever.

delivering custom web solutions that

inspire and engage

Origami Studios offers full-service website design & development

Hi, I'm Stephanie Castilla

I love making high quality websites that drive business and deliver results!


Please get in touch today to learn more about how I can help take your online marketing and communications to the next level.

Our Services

Origami Studios offers a wide range of services designed to meet all of our clients’ web design & development needs. With a dedication to detail and a passion for performance, we strive to deliver a seamless experiences that helps clients meet their business and marketing goals, while ensuring that their websites are always accessible, visually pleasing, easy to navigate, and simple to update and maintain.

FreeOrigami Studio

Our website development services leverage the WordPress platform, an open-source system that powers 25% of the internet. WordPressenables organizations to easily manage their own websites through its intuitive administration area. We specialize in building WordPress websites from the ground up, and we also work with clients who are interested in transitioning their websites to WordPress.

All of our services packages are customizable and ensure you receive the right amount of personalized support to suit your individual needs.

Ready to find out more? Contact me for more information.

The first steps towards your new website are only a few clicks away.

Sustainability is important

For us Sustainability is not only a noble pursuit but a foundation of a contemporary architecture with minimal environment impact and maximum human comfort. Fundamental to our practice is the exploration of improved sustainability, saving costs, reduced consumption and improved energy efficiency to provide a healthy built environment for us and our planet. We want to balance the system by working symbiotically with the natural environment. We want a sustainable future for our kids and their kids. Based in Perth Hills we want to offer our clients a full architectural design service with a great importance on creating a beautiful and meaningful space.

Origami Studio

Performance and aesthetics go equally together

Our vision is to design inspiring residential and commercial architecture that is rich in quality through light, thermal comfort and social aspect.

We do this with a holistic approach. Integrating a German concept of Passive House into our projects to achieve a healthy and comfortable environment for living and working.

Origami Studios

A philosophy of social, contemporary architecture and connecting with nature are integral to all our projects. Design becomes effective when it helps to enrich our lives and also helps to conserve our ecosystem.

Origami Studio Vs Figma

Creativity for us is to create elaborate systems; to recreate a fractal, the smallest element of the system that has the same character as the whole.

We believe that the best solution is the one that brings everything together.