Fire Emblem Bloodlines Hack

For those that are new to the series and are wondering how to get into the series, or if you feel that you need to learn to romhack to play them.


Romhacking isn't truly required, you can find most of the games online in forums with their respective English patches if the game is only in Japanese.

  • This is a character trailer for Redahli, one of the protagonists in Fire Emblem: Bloodlines, my FE7 hack! I had a lot of fun making her animation and this video! Hope you like it:D Credits: Solaris, for making the Redahli portrait and map sprite Song: Beyond The Horizon, Soul Calibur 3.Before Man, the Viperae ruled.
  • Sep 25, 2019 This is a character trailer for Redahli, one of the protagonists in Fire Emblem: Bloodlines, my FE7 hack! I had a lot of fun making her animation and this video! Hope you like it:D Credits: Solaris, for making the Redahli portrait and map sprite Song: Beyond The Horizon, Soul Calibur 3.Before Man, the Viperae ruled.

May 13, 2021 This is a directory that links to threads for Fire Emblem Hacks(WITH DOWNLOADABLE PATCHES) so that you can click on any hack you want, and start playing it right now. This directory will work like so: Hacks will be so&hellip. 1 Opening Dialogue 1.1 Pre-Battle 1.2 Before Battle Starts 2 Special Conversations 2.1 Ally Conversations 2.1.1 Robin and Marth 2.1.2 Virion and Norne 2.1.3 Ricken and Etzel 2.1.4 Panne and Athena 2.1.5 Gregor and Malice 2.1.6 Henry and Legion 2.1.7 Basilio and Hardin 2.1.8 Kjelle and Horace 2.1.9 Cynthia and Catria 2.1.10 Laurent and Katarina 2.2 Enemy Conversations.


Now, if you were to play them in any order, that is up to you. I would recommend you try to find and play the ones in English first, since that is the best way to go, y'know avoiding the search for translation patches.

For new players that want a fun game, go for Fire Emblem, or better known as Blazing Blade/Sword, this is Lyn/Hector/Eliwood's Game. Very good and has a fair bit of replay-ability with its two endings.

Next would be Sacred Stones, the game is very fun, not all that difficult and introduced the grinding aspect into the FE series with its tower of the undead. Has 2 endings and alot of unique classes for your second playthrough and onward. This is Ephraim/Eirika's game.

This is where things get kinda interesting. You can try to play Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but the games don't run well on old pc rigs, so a wii or a newer pc works fine. If you can play them, you won't regret it. Beware though, some of the things in this game make it pretty annoying, like height advantage, biorhythm , etc. This is Ike's story.

After that, we come to the Japanese/Half Japanese games.

First I'm gonna recommend Roy's game (Sword of Seals), which would send you right back on the journey you played in Lyn's game. This also shows you what happened to the characters you met and fought with in Blazing Blade, effectively showing you the fruits of your labor many years past.

Then I would recommend Marth's Book I/II (Shadow Dragon/New Mystery) which are English and Japanese respectively. Shadow Dragon is young Marth and centers around a war against dragons. New Mystery follows the events of Shadow Dragon, with an older Mart and the first time we get a Avatar since Lyn's game.

For FE 4/5 (Genealogy/Thracia) I would have to say that these are the hardest to play, not because they are the most difficult, but because the system they are run on (SNES) is extremely dated, and makes it very difficult to play on a computer. Both games take place on similar timelines and they intersect a fair bit. Genealogy begins with Sigurd and ends with Seliph, and Thracia follows Leif and his gang.


Edit: I also seemingly missed Awakening and Fates. Fates is a three story game, which costs 40 for one story and 20 for the other two. I would probably think hard and long about which one you want to play first. Conquest is grittier and harder, Birthright is the classic FE story and much easier. And Revelation mixes both, being kinda dark, yet retaining its happier tone throughout. This is Corrin's game.

Awakening was my second entry, first being Blazing Blades on an EMU. Its by far one of the newer and one of the better ones (not best, that depends on player). This is Robin and Chrom's game. If you had to choose between Awakening or Fates, I do recommend Awakening, it's very fun, has a fair bit of replayability with the infinite build/lunatic gamemodes and it has a few less plotholes (thanks to Shadows of Valentia) than Fates.

Oh and Shadows of Valentia is Alm and Celica's game. Very new, very fun, has a dungeon crawling aspect to it, so if that's not your shtick, then you can kinda avoid it a bit. Story wise though, the remake made it much better than the OG Gaiden, and the music is top notch. Will warn you, some of the ingame 3d sprites look kinda wonky though. Just saying

Fire Emblem Bloodlines Hack Download

Feel free to chat in the comments and give out more tips for those new members to the Fire Emblem Community/Family. Good luck fellow Tacticians!